Learning Music Your Way


Welcome to our Soltani Music family! I am very delighted to share the love and joy of music with you. Through our lessons we are entering into a wonderful relationship together that I look forward to fostering each week. Through music, my goal is to provide education and resources to foster the creativity and growth of you and/or your child and create a happy, healthy family environment. Please read these policies carefully.

One easy price, Hassle free payments.

One easy monthly price covers everything! There are no sign up fees, no performance fees, no recital fees, no semester registration fees, no drop fees, and no hold fees. Payments are set up through a secured, automatic billing system using Stripe so that we can get right to the fun stuff each lesson. Payments are a flat-rate each month that covers everything. After initial setup of payment, all monthly charges will occur on or around the 1st of each month.

To set up payments, please click on your desired option below:

Registration Options

$105 per month for weekly group classes

$135 per month for weekly half-hour lessons

$202 per month for weekly 45-minute lessons

$270 per month for weekly full-hour lessons


$105 per month for weekly half-hour lessons with Ms. Lackey

Once payments are set up, students are responsible for updating or cancelling payment information through their Stripe profile or through the Student Payment Portal; otherwise, written notice prior to the beginning of a new month is necessary to ensure any adjustments or alterations to payments. Payments are made to ensure enrollment in the Soltani Music studio regardless of attendance.

Payments must be set up through Stripe. Alternative forms of payment will not be accepted except to make a partial payment if agreed upon ahead of time. These instances will be considered on a case-by-case basis and only for a short term solution.

Yearly Calendar

A copy of Soltani Music’s yearly calendar is always available online at SoltaniMusic.com. Recitals are offered twice throughout the year in the Spring and in the Fall. There is no recital fee. Breaks and time off are based on the Edmond Public Schools calendar with the exception of Summer. Soltani Music lessons take place year-round. All time off is factored in to monthly tuition.


Because we live in Oklahoma and have highly unpredictable weather, we will always work to keep students and parents up to date on any weather-related cancellations. If uncomfortable driving for any weather-related reason, please notify Mr. Soltani or Ms. Lackey as soon as possible.

We, as instructors, strive to supply the highest quality of instruction. As such, 14 days of time off for sick leave, vacation and professional development throughout the year aside from scheduled breaks are factored into the the price of tuition. This time is designated to increase our health and quality of my instruction.

Lessons cancelled within 24 hours will not be rescheduled. In the event a lesson is cancelled with more than 24 hours notice, all efforts will be made to reschedule. All cancelled lessons and breaks are factored into the yearly tuition. We value your time and work to make sure you get the most out of your investment.

In case of a reasonable student cancellation, every effort will be made to reschedule the cancelled lesson. Occasionally, this may not be possible. Your instructor’s discretion will be used to make up as many lessons as possible.

If a lesson is cancelled for any reason and can not be rescheduled within a week of the original date then it will count as a cancellation and will not be rescheduled to a future date.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Your satisfaction is guaranteed! We strive to keep open and honest communication in everything that we do. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for choosing to share your family time with Soltani Music!

Ali Soltani

Call : (405) 609-9859

Text : (405) 609-9859


Connect with Soltani Music

Find more on Facebook and Instagram!

Now that you’ve read through the studio policies, it’s time for the next step-

Step 4 : Review calendar here